
Ultimate Bestiary Miniatures

Created by Nord Games

A horde of miniatures for your tabletop adventures! Based on the best selling monster book; Revenge of the Horde!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

STL File Revisions Sent
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 10:59:44 AM

Hi All,

Just a quick update to let you know the latest version of the STL file packs have been sent to you via Backerkit. Check your inbox as well as your Backerkit account under the downloads section.

Also, our manufacturer has started creating the injection molds for the plastic injection molding process. We're now working on the packaging design. We look forward to showing you what we come up with.

Happy gaming!


STL Files Sent (Please Check Your Inbox)
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 09:52:56 PM

Greetings adventurers!

If you chose a pledge level that included the 3D printable minis or added them through Backerkit, the STL files for the 30 miniatures have been sent to your inboxes via Backerkit. You'll find a standard and supported version of each mini. You'll want to have a look at both versions of each model to see which one will work best for your particular printer and the technology it uses. Some printers lay down their own support material, while others don't. Also, some 3D printer software creates its own supports as part of the pre-printing process so keep that in mind.

If you have any issues with the models themselves please send us a direct message or email [email protected] and we'll he happy to help. Unfortunately we are not experts at every type of printer out there so any questions pertaining to your printer should be directed to the manufacturer.

We look forward to seeing lots of pictures of your 3D printed minis. We're curious how long it will take for someone to print out the Ogre at two or three times it's normal size bwahahaha!

Happy gaming!


Production Soon To Begin
about 4 years ago – Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 01:22:10 AM

Hi everyone! After much feedback and many revisions the models are headed from design to production! This means our timeline is still accurate and we expect to deliver STL files to digital backers during the month of February. Here are a few screenshots of the latest models:

We'll keep you updated as we enter and complete each phase of the production and fulfillment process.

Dangerous Destinations. In other news, we are launching the Kickstarter campaign for Dangerous Destinations tomorrow January 12th at 10am PST. This book is a follow up to Spectacular Settlements and based on the response so far we expect it to be well received. Please join us for the Live Stream Launch Party tomorrow as the project goes live. We will be creating dangerous destinations that may end up in the final version of the book. Audience participation is welcome! Below is the Kickstarter video and a link to the project.

Make sure to click on the Notify me on launch button:

We hope to see you there! Happy gaming!


Backerkit Survey Direct Link
about 4 years ago – Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 11:15:07 PM


If you haven't received an email from Backerkit with a link to your survey please use the link below:

Thank you for backing our project!


Backerkit Surveys On The Way
about 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 03:35:49 PM

Hi All,

We're finalizing the Backerkit surveys so you should expect a survey in your Inbox or Spam folder within the next few days. A small percentage of surveys are sent to confirm that things are working correctly before all backers will be sent one. If you do not receive a survey within a week or so have no fear, we will post an update here on Kickstarter with a direct link to your survey.

Spamming. We've received mixed messages when it comes to the number of times we email, post an update, or message our backers. We've kept our email blasts to 1 per week, we have scheduled a monthly Kickstarter update on each of our projects, and we rarely ever send out mass messages using Kickstarter. We're trying not to spam you all, but it would seem that we all have different interpretations of the concept. We hope the schedule previously mentioned is not too much or too little. 

Sculpts. The sculpts for the models are in their final stage before plastic injection molds are made. Ralph has been working with our production facility to make sure that the production process will go smoothly and that the models meet our expectation of dynamic poses, proper representation of the creatures, and exceptional quality of material.

Timeline. Once production begins we should be able to give you all a clear timeline of when we will expect the minis in our warehouse or at our various fulfillment partner's facilities around the world. Stay tuned for that.

In the mean time we hope everyone is staying healthy and gaming as much as possible. 

Thank you again for backing our project,
